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Welcome to The Olivet Foundation Scholarship Opportunities Homepage!

Below you will find a list of scholarships available to students with brief information about the scholarship qualifications. To apply, you must first sign in with the same user name and password you use to access the campus login portal. You will then have the opportunity to complete a general application. JUST ONE APPLICATION per year is all we need to consider you for any and all of that year’s eligible scholarships!

Contact if you need assistance, and we’ll be happy to help!

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
$0.00 The Mary "Sharon" Young Gratitude Nursing Program Fund (Y008)
The Donor’s gift is to further enhance the Nursing Program by providing...
$0.00 The Rev. Dr. Mark & Sharon Hostetler Scholarship (H055)
Scholarships will be awarded annually to worthy and needy students at...
$0.00 The Ross D. & Mary Kay (Blue) Swinehart Scholarship (S070)
One scholarship will be awarded annually to a worthy and needy student...
To Be Determined The A. J. Frank Scholarship (F006)
This scholarship will be awarded to worthy and needy ministerial students.
To Be Determined The Anderson Endowment for Musical Master Class (A018)
This permanent endowment shall be used to fund a program with the...
To Be Determined The Annuity Reserve (U002)
To Be Determined The Craighton T. and Linda G. Hippenhammer Faculty Scholarship (H035N)
To Be Determined The Dotty Lagesse Scholarship (L025N)
This scholarship will be awarded to worthy and needy students with...
To Be Determined The Dr. Max & Carol Reams Endowment (R036)
The Dr. Max and Carol Reams Endowment will honor the exemplary service...
To Be Determined The Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence (T002)
This scholarship will be awarded to promote and recognize teaching with...
To Be Determined The Foundation Temporary Account (F027)
To Be Determined The Gabriel Scholarship (G028N)
This scholarship will be awarded to students who are preparing for...
To Be Determined The Harold & Ruth Severance Non-Endowed Schol/P.A. Scholarship (S055N)
This scholarship will be awarded to worthy and needy students preparing...
To Be Determined The Heather Wagoner Non-Endowed Scholarship (W031N)
This scholarship will be awarded to worthy and needy students who serve...
To Be Determined The Hunter Endowment for Capital (H033)
This fund is to be used for capital projects, campus beautification, and...
To Be Determined The John S. & Mariam Daugherty Scholarship (non-endowed) (D053N)
This scholarship will be awarded to worthy and needy junior or senior...
To Be Determined The Kappa Sigma Nursing Scholarship (K028N)
This scholarship will be awarded annually for a junior nursing student...
To Be Determined The Leslie and Lora Lee Parrott Scholarship (P001U)
This scholarship will be awarded to ministerial students who are...
To Be Determined The Maggie Sloan Crawford Award (C023)
This scholarship will be awarded to outstanding woman in the senior...
To Be Determined The Mary J Walker Scholarship (non-endowed) (W034N)
This scholarship will be awarded to two sophomore, junior, or senior...
To Be Determined The Math Department Scholarships (M037N)
This scholarship will be awarded to students majoring in math who...
To Be Determined The McGraw School of Business Engagement Endowment (M062)
~Agreement Criteria: Distributions will be available each fiscal year to...
To Be Determined The McGraw STEM Student Engagement Program (M066)
McGraw STEM Student Engagement Program. Contact: Michael...
To Be Determined The McHie Distinguished Service Award Program (M042)
The Richard and Aline McHie Distinguished Service Award will be...
To Be Determined The Michigan Dist Ministerial Scholarship (M034N)
This scholarship will be awarded to junior or senior ministerial...
To Be Determined The Middletown, IN Church Scholarship (M044)
~Agreement Criteria: CLOSED CLOSED 10/2/14 #0006440
To Be Determined The Music Ambassador Program (M057N)
This scholarship will be awarded to those who participate in the Music...
To Be Determined The ONU Chapel Chair Endowment Fund (O015)
To Be Determined The ONU Chapel Endowment Fund (O010)
To Be Determined The ONU Chapel Endowment Fund (O010)
This scholarship will provide annual funding for chapel programs.
To Be Determined The ONU Science Scholarship (O013N)
This scholarship will be awarded annually to sophomore, junior or senior...
To Be Determined The ONU/ILNC Mission Project Sch Non-Endowed Scholarship (O012N)
To Be Determined The Pence-Boyce Summer Research Program (P023)
ONU faculty and students will prepare and submit joint proposals to do ...
To Be Determined The Pierce Non-Endowed Annual Scholarship Fund (P024N)
This scholarship will be awarded to worthy and needy students.
To Be Determined The Reed Institute Leadership Program (R005)
Investment income to fund the Reed Leadership Award Program, the Reed...
To Be Determined The Rev. Dr. Fay Quanstrom Chair of Pastoral Ministries (Q001)
To Be Determined The Richard V. Collings Scholarship (C063N)
To Be Determined The Rick and Debbie Dykhouse Center for Academic Excellence (D055)
To Be Determined The Robert M. Milner Honors Awards Program (M015)
This scholarship will be awarded to an outstanding male graduate. This...
To Be Determined The Rodger Family Scholarship in honor of Dr. Clarence Groth (R032N)
This scholarship will be awarded to outstanding chemistry majors with a...
To Be Determined The Sharon Ann Roth Endowed Scholarship (R017)
This scholarship will be awarded to worthy and needy students.
To Be Determined The Sims Building Fund for The Kevin K. and Judith L. Sims Educational Center (S063)
The Sims Building Fund shall be used for but not limited to: Add to the...
To Be Determined The Student Managed Investment Fund (S060)
1) Maximum distributions: The maximum amount distributed each fiscal...
To Be Determined The Student Philanthropy Endowment (Non-Endowed) (S057N)
To Be Determined The Student Philanthropy Endowment (S057)
This endowment exists as a venue for student projects that serve God...
To Be Determined The Taylor Business Scholarship (non-endowed) (T024N)
To Be Determined The Watseka Friends Church Scholarship (W002)
To Be Determined The Weber Family Business Fund (W001)
To Be Determined The Wesleyan-Arminian Studies Chair (W040)
Endowed Chair – see file for details.
To Be Determined The Young Alumni Award (Y005)