The Student Managed Investment Fund (S060)

1) Maximum distributions: The maximum amount distributed each fiscal year shall be no more than 4.5% of the previous fiscal year’s value of the fund. The maximum distribution includes SIC fees, scholarship(s) and other activities as described in the following items. This distribution is based on market conditions and may change, in accordance with ONU Foundation policies. 2) Student Investment Club fees The Student Investment Club will charge the fund a maximum of 25 basis points in fees* each quarter. Fees may change per agreement of the Dean of the McGraw School of Business and the Foundation. 3) Scholarship distributions A maximum of 1% of the market value will be awarded as scholarship(s) of up to $1,000 to worthy and needy students recommended by the SIC faculty advisor, and approved by the Foundation. The distribution for scholarships will be revaluated annually by the Foundation and the Dean of the McGraw School of Business, in relation to SMIF endowment values. 4) Student Engagement Fund distribution After SIC fees and scholarship distributions have been calculated, surplus available distributions may be available for other student engagement support for McGraw School of Business students, upon approval by the Dean of the McGraw School of Business and the Foundation. * *Generally, these fees and expenses will be for investing costs, guest lectures and for student attendance at conferences, with a primary focus on the investment education of Olivet Nazarene University students. Expenditures will be approved by the Dean of the McGraw School of Business, and reported to ONU Foundation administrators.

To Be Determined